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Imperfect Prints

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 5:41 pm
by benleif430

So I've successfully created a bottom-up DLP 3d printer, and have started testing/calibrating. I'm using makerjuice G+ yellow, and below are my prints (its supposed to be that pterodactyl shape except 1/4" thick). The order in which i did them is counter clockwise starting from the far right. I thought i may have been overexposing the bottom layers so I decreased the exposure times for the bottom layers and the layers after. I think got an issue where object is caved-in towards the middle. Is the problem now that I'm underexposing? I've also seen problems where the resin itself disperses the UV light and that can cause problems; could that be an issue here?

Any help/advice would be greatly appreciated
