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Z-axis Configuration and Stepper Problems

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:14 am
by WorkerBee
Hello. Thank you for your time and interest.

Everything is assembled and I'm trying to get to my first print. Unfortunately, I'm running into some problems when configuring the z-axis that are mainly due to stepper motor control.

1) Z-axis feed rate does not change regardless of the setting. I have checked to make sure the max specified in Marlin is above the current settings; however, there is no change in speed when I vary the feed rate using manual control.

2) Lift sequence and exposure coordination is never quite right. It seems that the lift sequence does not complete in the calculated time (due to Problem #1) - it either takes too long or finishes way before the next exposure.

3) Occasionally my power supply shuts off when the motor is engaged. I'm using a 12V 15A ATX power supply and have fooled around with the current limiter on the Pololu A4988; however, this is a continuous problem.

4) Microstepping works with the RAMPS 1.4 test code; however, it is never coordinated in Creation Workshop and often shuts off my power supply when engaged. I have adjusted the steps per unit in Marlin accordingly, but I cannot get this to work.

Your input on these issues would be very much appreciated. I'm planning to try a new power supply to prevent the system from shutting down, but I'm lost as far as the z-axis feed rates and micro stepping.

Thanks again.

Re: Z-axis Configuration and Stepper Problems

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:13 am
by android78
I'm not sure about the rate issues however, with the power issues, is the stepper motor driver getting hot to touch? If so then try turning the voltage down until it just gets warm.
With the microstepping, what are the jumper settings on your ramps?
When you send the command to move 5mm does the stepper at least do the right number of revolutions? Try testing this with a freestanding stepper and see if it rotate the same as installed.
If you reduce the max feed rate does that reduce the speed?

Re: Z-axis Configuration and Stepper Problems

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 4:13 pm
by sloxd
If you are using modified ATX you need continuous load. In order to fix that people wire 10 Ohm 10W power resistor (or something close of that) that acts as continuous load. This might be your problem...

Otherwise I am having the same problems with speed and time calculation. If anyone have an idea why this is happening please tell.