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CW out of memory crash

Posted: Fri May 01, 2015 4:00 am
by Shapespeare
Thanks for giving us such a great tool for SLA printers. Creation Workshop has opened up a new world of printing possibilities. You are awesome!

Now here is the issue I am having: I am running CW on a Winbook TW700 tablet which is pretty marginal in terms of system resources and sometimes it pitches a out of memory error when printing a large file. This is understandable given all I am asking such a puny machine to do. The bummer is that when CW dumps it turns the projector output to a pure white screen which cooks off all the resin in the build vat. Since I've got a top down machine with a good size build volume this is getting expensive, although it does make some interesting shapes. I don't know how much control you have of the program once it errors, but if possible it would be far preferable for it to fail to an all black screen on the projector.

Other than these minor hiccups I'm having a great time with Creation Workshop. We will be talking about it a lot on our podcast "3d Printing Today".