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Mounting the projector vertically?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:26 pm
by Scatterplot
Would there be any issues with mounting the projector vertically? I'm looking at mounting this inside a cabinet available on my local Craigslist; it's not super deep, but it's plenty tall. Goopyplastic, are there any CAD models of the assembled unit with a projector that I could move around? I could make my own mounts for the projector as long as I knew where it needed to end up. (I see the source files for each part, but I didn't see an "Assembled" version anywhere on the LRP site).

Re: Mounting the projector vertically?

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 6:03 pm
by goopyplastic
I'll try and generate an assembled step for you.

For those bored, check out this ugly duckling.

Re: Mounting the projector vertically?

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:59 am
by CaptainBisquick
Will there still be a way to see the layer being printed?

Re: Mounting the projector vertically?

Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:07 am
by James
About the only thing one would need to worry about is cooling. If a projector was designed to provide cooling of components via convection then there would be a problem. I wouldn't worry about it though because most projectors are designed to use forced air cooling and are also designed to work upside down so that they can be mounted to a ceiling.

Start by making a model of your cabinet. Then make a model of your projector with a model of the projected light. Once you have that you can start to play around in CAD with different configurations. Every projector is different when it comes to the threaded mounting holes on the bottom and the pattern of light that it projects. Consequently, it's best to draw up your own in CAD. Oh and, some projectors project the light straight out of the lens such that it is parallel with the axis of the lens, while other projectors project the light at an angle upwards as it comes out of the lens. Be on the lookout for that when you map out the projection pattern.

Yes, you would be able to see the layers being formed. By asking this question I think you are envisioning what's known as a top down configuration. This is where the projector is on top of the uncured resin and the projected beam points downward to the resin. The other type is known as a bottom up configuration.