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Any way to change vat tilt speed after a set amount of layers?

Posted: Mon May 16, 2016 10:12 am
by SlowSL
I have two different size build plates, one for when the projector is close for smaller, higher resolution prints, and one for large prints. The small one has no problems, but the larger one, due to the large size of the plate and the viscosity of the resin, it takes quite a bit of force to tilt the vat down or lift the build plate at a reasonable speed. This is only a problem for the 1st 3/16" or 1/4" when the plate is sitting deep in the resin. The tilt or Z-lift needs to be extremely slow while it comes out of the resin, or the motors start skipping steps. The way I see it, I have two options....
A.) Add 12V+ stepper drivers.
B.) Figure out a way to make Creation Workshop switch to faster motor movements after a certain number of layers. I know that you can input formulas, which I'm sure I could figure out fairly easily, but where I think might be a problem, is that you input a time in the GUI for how long the mechanical process will take, and the software inputs that time into the G-code output. This is so that when the projector spits out the next slice, it does so after all the mechanical movements are finished. If I program the printer, say to take one minute to tilt the vat for the first 200 layers, then after 200 layers, switch to 10 seconds, the projector is still going to wait over a minute before the next slice. Any ideas?

Re: Any way to change vat tilt speed after a set amount of layers?

Posted: Thu May 19, 2016 8:36 am
by SlowSL
Got it figured out over at CNCzone

F{$CURSLICE < $NumFirstLayers?10:{$CURSLICE > 100?100:25}} is the expression.

This would also need to be used for the blanktime to match the mechanical movement times.