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Hi I´m Sacha !

Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 4:18 am
by zumpitu
Hi all !!

I´m sorry I found the introduction section only now !! :)

My Name is Sacha I work on the Automotive Industry as 3D artist, 3D modeler, visualization ecc... and I´m based In Germany.. but I´m Italian.

I Love anything is related to 3D and ( so I´m happy about my work ! ) and also all is about Cnc machine.. I discovered not from long time the DLP printer and I have a lot of project to with 3D printing ! I also have a Cnc milling machine

I finished to built my 3D printer just last week, after some tes I alrady decided to change some part but was actually not so much difficult since I have a CNC machine . Now I have to start :mrgreen:

Ciao !