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Pegasus Touch + Open Source firmware

Posted: Sat Oct 29, 2016 7:20 pm
by doobie
I'm working on some open source firmware for my Pegasus Touch. Any geeky folks want to help give it a try with me? I have some success on my prints, but had to rewrite my code base (good timing because I also had to recoat my vat at the same time, but also bad because I goofed up cleaning it and it is all clouded up). I'm working on an alternative VAT, but until then I likely won't do too much more work on the code base. I'd help anyone willing to give it a shot get it up and running and tweak any issues that you find.

Note: I use slic3r to slice models and my code takes in the gcode file (ini file in the repo below), also I've only tested it with Make Juice G+ Red resin. The calibration settings for the laser are based on my old code, which may or may not print well with the current settings. I'm also theorizing that I might be over exposing because I was under the impression the laser spot size was ~80 microns, but I'm reading on an number of other forums that it might be ~240 microns.

Re: Pegasus Touch + Open Source firmware

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:02 pm
by kalective1
hi doobie, nice to see someone else interested in open sourcing the pegasus i am sure there is a lot of folks out there who would be interested.
I have always wondered if i could switch out the board and laser for a dlp setup to try and salvage this brick of a printer after the struggle dealing with fsl and their support its just been sitting on my desk collecting dust like most other owners of this printer. Im always in between projects but i have followed some of your posts recently and gained new interest in the matter, have you switched out the board for anything else?

Re: Pegasus Touch + Open Source firmware

Posted: Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:18 pm
by doobie
You should be able to do that, but depending on your issue and technical skills my firmware might be of use for you. Once I am running again I will not be using a FSL3D VAT, I'll be using a custom one. I don't know what impact that will have for calibration...but hopefully it'll work better :)