Ilios Beam Review

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Ilios Beam Review

Postby MrLugeman » Wed Jan 04, 2017 8:45 pm

This is definitely the worst machine of any kind I have ever purchased.

It's good points.
The machine looks good, the metal work is nice.
The interface looks nice and has some interesting features.
Big build volume.
Would make a good boat anchor.

It's bad points.
1. Machine needs modification before it can be assembled. (Get your grinder out and call Ilios for instructions)
If it was never assembled, then it was never tested as it was never assembled.

2. The Ilios Beam prints slower than continental drift.
By the time you printed anything the size of the print volume you would be old or dead.
It took 2 days to print a hollow 2cm cube with a 1mm wall. (Using the settings recommended by Ilios)
Part of the problem is the firmware which tells you that it will take an hour or two, but then it takes days. :(

3. Prints often delaminate from the plate and you can't find out for days because the printer is so slow. There is no way in the firmware to pause the print and raise the bed, then resume the print. The print is completely hidden by metal. There is a camera built into the machine, but it does not show you the print ...... All it shows is a white dot on a black background. This shows the laser moving, but gives no indication of the status of the print. Useless gimmick.

4. There is no air filtration on the unit, so your workshop will stink of resin.

5. The strongest feature of this printer is it's build volume, but you can't use it because the unit is so slow.

Ilios Service
It arrived months after the promised delivery date.
Ilios told me several times that it was shipping, but it was not the truth.

Ilios offered a refund because it is a useless piece of rubbish.
Ilios offered to me a refund IF I sent the printer back to them at my expense...... around $500.00.
They received the printer, inspected it, accepted it and promised to refund the money.
They have not made the refund and now have both my money and the printer.
They have kept me waiting almost 2 months and still have not honoured their promise!

Do yourself a favour and buy something else!
Ilios Beam is RUBBISH.
Ilios service is terrible.

OH ..... and now Ilios3D is for sale because they make rubbish. Where's my refund!

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Re: Ilios Beam Review

Postby Ilios3D » Sun Apr 02, 2017 6:48 am

Dear MrLugeman,

I am sorry to hear that you had a bad experience with the Beam. We do try to help out everyone, however the fact that the 3D printer was not fit for your application should not reflect its quality or function. We are a small organization and mistakes do happen, however we stand 100% behind Ilios 3D printers, as we print samples and models almost every day our selves and do try to improve each product constantly. Ilios 3D has been around for more than 5 years now. It would be odd if during that time every single client was satisfied and there was no negative feedback on the web about us.

As it is stated in the Ilios Beam description, it is the slowest Ilios 3D printer from the Ilios line. However this is the price you pay for having a resolution which it can deliver. Ilios Beam is used for MicroFluidics and laboratory work mostly where speed is not as important as quality.

We did receive the 3D printer back, however the state in which it came was, conservatively saying - Very poor. The machine was covered with resin and parts of it were broken. Nevertheless the 3D printer was serviced and brought back to a fully working state within a day as nothing critical was damaged.

Despite all this as well as difficulties which Ilios 3D faced in 2016, you received a full refund and even the resin which was shipped to you along side the printer was refunded although you did keep it.

We also released just few months ago a new addition to the Ilios 3D family, the Ilios Photon 2, prints from which were published in our news and Facebook page.

is a printer we specifically designed for general applications such as your own as it has a service free VAT, a robust LED UV DLP projection and many features we developed over the years.

Once again, i regret that the 3D printer did not meet your needs, however we do have a large line of machines, each one designed for a specific purpose. Ilios 3D has been around for a long time and as i am sure you will find out, many users use Ilios 3D printers for their projects. There are plenty of references of Ilios 3D printers in PHD papers and scientific studies as well due to the fact that the Ilios 3D printers are made from metal and actually provide the resolution mentioned in the specifications. As we are a small organization and with a limited budget, it is impossible to please everyone, although we do try our best, by replying instantly to any support questions - may it be day or night, weekend or workday, holiday or not.

Ilios 3D is not for sale in any shape or form and we continue developing great products as well as showcase prints made by our 3D printers, as seen in our Facebook page and described in our news.
Building Open Innovation -

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